Multi-Roulette allows players to participate in maximum of four roulette table game, using automated roulette wheels to generate game results. The player uses a touch-screen on the player terminal to place bets on a game screen layout. Multi-Roulette is a multi-terminal system that allows players to participate up in a live table games using automated roulette wheels connected to the LT system.

key features
- Unlike traditional Single Roulette, players can experienced to bet four roulettes in the same time, same terminal simultaneously without any waiting time every game result.
- Portrait style signage, with customized LED colors, shows trend board with animated hot and cold numbers that eye-catching in casino floors.
- Our betting terminals are slim and Game offers “copy and paste” with the same betting pattern from the previous game to the next game that save time for players to re-place again one-by-one
- High-definition live feeds are shown in both signage and player terminals providing the same experience as the real table game.
- Our Betting Terminal are compact, especially ergonomics that provide comfort for player, with a 27” touch screen.